Publications featuring Natural Glass Corvette Association members.

Five Generations of Corvette: Which One's Best?

Which One's Best? 5 Generation Road Test

October 1998

We've been very fortunate to have some of our members featured in various publications. For example, the cover story for the October, 1998, issue of Vette magazine features 5 NGCA members' cars - one from each Corvette generation - in a comparison article. It's great reading and has equally great photos. We've contacted the magazine to see if we can publish the article and photos here but until we get the word you'll have to be satisfied with these private pictures from that day.

Courtesy of Vette Magazine.

Five Generations of the Corvette
Five Generations of the Chevrolet Corvette.

Other Articles Featuring NGCA Members

High-Speed Exhilaration  Corvette Magazine, January 2019

Corvettes for Kids Day at HUMC  June 9, 2004

Protector's Collector  Corvette Fever Magazine, February 1, 2002

Which One's Best? 5 Generation Road Test  Vette Magazine, October 1998